Republicans pass a Trumpcare bill that could take health care away from millions of Americans, and we hear a few of their heartbreaking stories. Trump believes religious liberty means the freedom to discriminate, and apparently he’s cool with slavery.
Segment 1: Love Your Neighbor Unless They’re on the Pill or Gay
Presidential Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
Gay Man Sues Funeral Home That Refused His 86-Year-Old Husband’s Body
Segment 2: Maybe the Hiring Freeze Should’ve Gone Further
Trump Army Secretary Pick Gave a Lecture Arguing Against the Theory of Evolution
Trump Puts Critic of Renewable Energy in Charge of Renewable Energy Office
Trump Administration Hires Official Whom Five Students Accused of Sexual Assault
Segment 3: Forever My FLOTUS
Trump Administration Rolls Back Michelle Obama’s Healthy School Lunch Push
Trump Administration Memo Calls for Ending Michelle Obama’s Girls Education Program
Segment 4: A Decent Place to Lay Your HUD
Don’t Make Housing for the Poor Too Cozy, Carson Warns
Segment 5: Climate Change Finally Solved!
EPA Website Removes Climate Science Site From Public View After Two Decades
Segment 6: The American Fuck Your Health Care Act
Every Republican Who Voted for This Abomination Must Be Held Accountable
Segment 7: Andrew Jerkson
Trump: ‘Why Was There the Civil War?’